Fibromyalgia is finally recognized as an official diagnosis! Please share this information

Fibromyalgia is finally recognized as an official diagnosis! Please share this information

On October 1, 2015, fibromyalgia finally has its own official diagnosis code of ICD-10-CM codes that have been formally approved in the US

ICD-10-CM, acronym for the international classification of diseases, 10th revision, clinical modification, is a list of diagnostic codes for Medicare Services Centers and Medicaid and the National Center for Health Statistics for medical information about US ICD-10 -CM is based on ICD-10, the statistical classification of diseases published by the World Health Organization.

ICD codes are widely used in the health industry, including doctors, insurance companies and government agencies. They are used to identify diseases and conditions that are diagnosed and ranked.

use by 1 October when diagnosing a patient with fibromyalgia, physicians were general code 729.1 – myalgia and myositis, not specified. Any type of muscle pain or inflammation can be included in the code. But FM is recognized as a separate entity with its own code M79.7 – fibromyalgia.

Why is it important?

There are many potential benefits of an ICD-10-CM code for fibromyalgia, but four in particular come to mind.

The fact that fibromyalgia has its own diagnostic code makes it almost impossible for doctors who state that it is not real. The World Health Organization and the US government have given official approval. 
ICD-10-CM codes are used by insurance companies, Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement decision-making. So far, some insurance companies have refused to treat treatments for fibromyalgia, insisting that it is not a real disease. They can not say the same thing.
Despite the disadvantage claiming that they are not only established on the basis of a diagnosis that has recognized fibromyalgia as a legitimate diagnosis is one of the reasons, it is sometimes used as a basis for denial and can lead to a disability has a little easier to eliminate win.
Another diagnostic code will improve the coherence of fibromyalgia research. Ginevra Liptaň, MD, pointed out in his recent article in the National Pain Report: “The new code will also allow further analysis of the treatment of fibromyalgia results; details of many of these observational studies are collected by following the diagnostic codes. Without its own diagnostic code, fibromyalgia studies are hampered by gouache data, including patients who are really fibro, but another disease that causes muscle pain. ” 
The highlight of a long journey

The journey to fibromyalgia legitimacy was long and hard fought. After being forgotten for many years, the American government began to realize one by one that fibromyalgia is real. The FDA paved the way in 2007 when the first drug was approved for the treatment of FM. In 2012, the social security agency issued a decision that recognizes fibromyalgia as a legitimate obstacle. Now in 2015 Medicare and Medicaid Service Centers and the National Center for Health Statistics have an FM official diagnosis code.

This completes the trio of legitimacy and is a worthy party in March!

Publisher Karen Lee Richards ProHealth. As a fibromyalgia patient she founded the non-profit organization, now known as the national association for fibromyalgia (NFA), and served as vice president for eight years. He was also the editor of fibromyalgia aware, the first full color, glossy magazine dedicated to FM and other invisible diseases. After leaving the NFA, Karen served as a guide to fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. The New York Times Company, and then as the Network Guide Health Center Health Chronic Pain.


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