If you love someone with fibromyalgia, keep in mind that they suffer from severe pain that varies from day to day and hour to hour.

  If you love someone with fibromyalgia experience severe pain that varies from day to day and from hour to hour. We can not predict that. So we want you to understand that sometimes things have to be canceled at the last minute and it bothers us as much as you. We want you to know that … Read more

Fibromyalgia: she arrives in Marseille after 6,000 km of walking

From Normandy, via Portugal and Spain, Violette Duval traveled 6,000 km to raise awareness about fibromyalgia, a suffering disease that is little talked about. An evil which nevertheless affects two million people in France. Marseille marks the end of its journey. Violet, this Friday, for her penultimate stage, at the Crown. • © Photo VD Violette Duval … Read more

Fibromyalgia: the pain that society does not see or understand

Fibromyalgia was recognized as a disease in 1992. By the World Health Organization (WHO) Today, 4% of the population is affected by fibromyalgia. Almost 90% are women.It is known as “invisible disease” because it affects all soft tissues of the musculoskeletal system and cannot be easily diagnosed by medical tests. Fibromyalgia is not seen, leaving no marks … Read more

People with Fibromyalgia are understood only by people with Fibromyalgia.

A friend told me she heard two or three colleagues speaking about another colleague who had fainted to treat her fibromyalgia as a result of the side effects of a new drug: She took her on a stretcher and said, “No one can be so sick.” A supervisor started his comments in what seemed to … Read more

43 Signs of Fibromyalgia You Should Be Aware Of

About 10 million Americans are affected by fibromyalgia. It is a very common condition. There are even people who have it, but aren’t aware of its presence. There are also doctors who can’t recognize fibromyalgia in a patient and often misdiagnose him/her. It’s very important to know whether you have this condition so that you … Read more

Lady Gaga would like to raise awareness of fibromyalgia

On Twitter early Tuesday morning, Lady Gaga made a shocking announcement: she suffers from fibromyalgia, a debilitating disorder that causes severe musculoskeletal pain, exhaustion, and tenderness in some places. While reviewing her forthcoming Netflix documentary, Gaga: Five Foot Two, the singer made the announcement. “The #chronicillity #chronicpain I’m dealing with w/ in our documentary is … Read more

10 Foods Which Are Bad For Fibromyalgia

10 Foods That Are Bad For Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disease that manifests as extensive body pain and tiredness. If you suffer from this, you may also experience sleep disturbance and decreased cognitive abilities. Doctors have not yet identified the cause of the disease, but it may be linked to genetics and certain diseases. … Read more

Fibromyalgia of different ages: same condition, different challenges

If you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, you may have had a number of first-hand stereotypes about the condition. One persistent misconception is that mostly middle-aged or older people are affected by fibromyalgia especially older women. In reality, a wide range of ages and both sexes are affected by fibromyalgia. Although it is more likely … Read more