People with Fibromyalgia are understood only by people with Fibromyalgia.

A friend told me she heard two or three colleagues speaking about another colleague who had fainted to treat her fibromyalgia as a result of the side effects of a new drug:

She took her on a stretcher and said, “No one can be so sick.” A supervisor started his comments in what seemed to validate my situation by informing me that “I knew a lot about my illness because he and his wife had a close friend with her.”

The other comments turned into a punch in the stomach. I saw two students taking their place during the summer as he said, “so that he could go on and relax.”

A person who works in our yard has recently resurfaced.
The contractor said his wife was disabled to my husband. When my husband replied that he understood that I, too, was quick to say the entrepreneur,”Yes, but his wife is far better than mine.” My husband replied eloquently: “It looks like it can fool you easily.

When I was upset and disappointed with the prospect of rain during the baseball game (now postponed), I posted about it on Facebook, I only managed to get a family member, who also suffered from a chronic disease, answered: “Do not let your disease rule your life.

Not only was I amazed, but I also hoped that this parent would understand me, among all people.
I’ve been wrong, unfortunately.
I know those who don’t suffer from certain chronic and debilitating diseases can’t fully understand what this entails, but I’m always surprised at the level of difficulty people have to understand.

Of course, we also have trouble understanding the variability in symptoms and how our level of functioning can differ from day to day (or even from time to time), but seeing those who are unable to listen and listen can still be emotionally boring. Know No, I can’t understand some of a cancer survivor’s everyday struggles and tribulations, for example, but I won’t dismiss or mock someone else.
I recall going to visit elderly parents, nursing homes and hospitals when I was a child.

Among the family members of my mother, nursing was the second most important occupation.
I even remember a teenager reading our medical encyclopedias in our house (with great enthusiasm).
The most important thing for me was that my mother and grandmother conveyed to the patient the effects of the disease, reflecting on it first.

I’m stunned to find those who don’t feel any love for others.
Yeah, I guess I’m going to be quick to judge them as they judge us.
I realize that not everyone is responding to disease in the same way.
In fear and naivety, some may even respond.
For many of us, listening to the nearest and making rash remarks is probably the hardest factor.

Suddenly, we’ve got to defend ourselves. This problem is difficult to solve, especially if we are still struggling with internal conflicts related to our state of health.
Why do many think we can be miraculously cured by self-control or the will?
Why are some people viewing this particular disease as self-invoked?
When a person lacks empathy and makes harsh comments, it makes me regret that I have only one day to live my life.
They kissed the ground and would be thankful if they later found their normal body.
I have no choice but to stay involved.

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