New cannabis patch for fibromyalgia pain and diabetic nerve pain treatment

Two new medications have been developed for fibromyalgia pain and diabetic nerve pain treatment by a company specializing in cannabis-based medicines. A Transdermal patch is placed on the skin and into the blood stream for the medication of fibromyalgia pain and diabetic nerve pain.

The patched promote healing to an injured area of the body. As compared to other types of medication delivery such as oral, topical, intravenous, intramuscular etc, transdermal drug delivery flight path is more advantageous.

The patch used for the diabetic nerve pain treatment provides the patient with a controlled release of the medication into the patient, it can be provided to the patient via various forms such as:

  1. Through a porous membrane covering a reservoir of medication.
  2. Body heat melting thin layers of medication embedded in the adhesive which will be containing high potency cannabinoid (CBD) extract, this extract slowly enters in the blood stream and then penetrates the central nervous system of the patient delivering the pain relief sought.

The CEO of cannabis science, Mr. Raymond C. Dabney believes that the future of cannabis science is based on the development of these two new pharmaceutical medicinal applications.  The company is striving to enhance the land capacity for growth and facilities to manufacture its own products to supply to scientists with proprietary materials to make these formulations. On the other hand cannabis company is also busy in researching more potential needs for cannabis medical applications and introducing the methods for delivery of these medications.

Fibromyalgia is estimated to affect 2%-8% of the population while females are about double as likely to suffer from fibromyalgia condition. People with diabetic nerve pain and fibromyalgia experience chronic widespread pain and alarming pain response to pressure. Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is considered as damage or a disease affecting nerves which may impair sensation, movement, gland or organ function or other aspects of health depending on the type of nerves affected.

‘’CBD is the second major cannabinoid in marijuana after THC. Without the psychoactive effects that THC brings, it has anti-inflammatory and pain-reveling properties. MR Dabney also concludes that: ‘’ as more states nationwide legislate for the legalization of cannabis and cannabis-derived medications, here at Cannabis Science, the focus is on the development of pharmaceutical medications and applications to supply the huge growing demand expected over the coming few years.’’

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