USP researchers device manages to clear fibromyalgia pain

Created by the Institute of Physics of USP of São Carlos, it combines laser and ultrasound, being applied in the palm of the hands; pain ceased in 90% of cases

The Sonic Photo treatment is applied to the hands, but it has an effect on the whole body.

An innovative treatment against fibromyalgia created and applied by researchers from the Optics Group of the Physics Institute of São Carlos (IFSC / USP), managed to clear the pain of fibromyalgia in 90% of patients, according to researcher Antonio Eduardo de Aquino Junior, who led the research.

He points out that it is not a cure for the disease, which is considered chronic, but a treatment that can improve patients’ quality of life.

“With the treatment, there are people who stayed periods of 30 days without any pain and others, up to 3 months,” he says.

“The treatment avoids the use of a range of medications, such as analgesics, anti-inflammatories and antidepressants, commonly used for this problem,” he adds.

Fibromyalgia is characterized by pain in 18 points in the body, symmetrically. Among the other symptoms are chronic fatigue and non-repairing sleep. It is a disease of unknown cause, associated with the central nervous system and the mechanism that controls pain.

The treatment of USP is called Sonic Photo and coordinated by Professor Vanderlei Bagnato. It is realized from an equipment, considered pioneer in the world, developed by the team of the Institute of Physics, that realizes the conjugate application of ultrasound and therapeutic laser, of low intensity. Both the treatment protocol and the device used are considered unpublished, according to the researcher.

The traditional treatment, which is physiotherapy, is performed at pain sites, called trigger points or tender points. The Sonic Photo treatment is applied to the entire palm, being only 3 minutes in each, twice a week. Ten sessions are required.

“Fibromyalgia patients have a greater number of sensory cells in the hands than people who do not have the disease, so we use the palms as a gateway for treatment.” Light action in contact with cellular tissue produces ATP , which is energy.As a consequence, it reduces the fatigue of the patient.Although the application is only in the palms of the hands, the effect of the treatment is systemic, that is, it affects the whole body, “he explains.

He points out that the application of ultrasound and laser conjugates potentiates the anti-inflammatory action of both resources, promoting balance in the body and, consequently, controlling pain.

The equipment is expected to reach medical clinics by the middle of the year, according to the researcher.

At present, there are two service points in São Carlos, about 230 km from São Paulo, where the university is located. One of them is the Photodynamic Therapy Unit, at Santa Casa da Misericórdia de São Carlos. More information can be obtained by calling (16) 3509-1351. The sessions are free. The other location is the clinic Multifisio, where a symbolic fee of about $ 40 is charged. The contact telephone number is (16) 99762-7273.


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